I n d i a n  s t u d e n t s  i n  t h e  U S
Notice:The earlier list that listed students according to universities has been taken off for the following reasons.
1. It was a pain updating when someone graduated.
2. People were getting bugged that students ask them questions that they can't possibly answer, like:
ranking of universities, interview questions for VISA, will i get funding, which university i should choose etc.
hey friends,
w e l c o m e !


If you are looking for someone to contact in the university to which you have applied or want to apply you can browse thro the list in the dreambook and contact them.

Step wise guide to Applying to US universities:

1. Select Universities
3. Application Process
-Recommendation letter
-Financial Statement
4. Contacting Universities to check status of your apps.
5. Applying for Visa and what you need to know.
6. Financial Aid Questions
7. Housing and other Questions.
8. Links to Indian Student Organizations
9. What you need to know about US before you leave india.
10. After you arrive!!.

In case of any problem please contact ashwin

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I have been adding stuff as and when i come accross something which i think is useful..but it would be really great if you can suggest things that you would like to see on this site. Please use the comments page to point out stuff that should go in here

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